With our partners at Root & Seed, we are excited to come together to uphold our missions of honouring family heritage and removing gender inequality from our daily lives by celebrating Rakhi and extending the tradition to respect all forms of sisterhood and brotherhood.
Our Rakhi 2021 package includes:
2 beaded bracelet set, both with message (Blessed) and two red string bracelets
- Choose from the following sizes: Kids (approx. 5.5"), Small (approx. 6.5") or Medium (approx. 7")
As a way to honour all bonds that bind, in lieu of a monetary gift, each package will help fund the charitable organization: Refugee Women's Network, whose mission is to empower refugee and new immigrant women with tools and resources to enhance and develop their skills through education to successfully integrate into Canadian society while still maintaining respective cultural values.
Photography: Sanj P